Taking for granted the link between Feminism and Social Anthropology and, specifically, on the understanding of female oppression
and the relevance of its universality, as feminist theorists, not intending to structure their political action, they gradually ended up
appropriating the results of the ethnological and anthropological studies - even if such preliminary studies are centered on different
and particular ethnographic contexts. In this way, for Feminism, anthropological studies served to improve its arguments that claim
the verification of the universality of female oppression. Therefore, most of these debates were based on anthropological studies dealing with the ideological complex of “sexual antagonism” - defined by Quinn (1974), as examples of segregation of spaces and ritual activities secret to women and children, of presence of gang rapes, as well as the sanction of women in the face of undesirable acts, including the perception of a “female woman” of menstrual blood. Another current of Gender Studies, which I call here “gender complementarity”, emerged, focusing the construction of the “gender difference” for each specific context and avoiding generalizations and universalizations of categories that are properly Western.
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