An experience report
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Homeless people
Street office
Hormone therapy

How to Cite

Santos, E. L. O., Kalckmann, S., Borrego, C. de C. H., Sellinger, N. da C., Imparato, R. R., & Rosa, T. E. da C. (2021). An experience report: transvestites and transsexuals in homeless situations and the hormone therapy process by SUS. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 22(1), 111–117.


In the context of the Municipal Policy for Comprehensive Health Care of LGBTT Population in the city of São Paulo and the availability
of hormone therapy for the transsexual population, the objective of this study is to report the experience of a guidance group on
hormone therapy for transvestites and transsexuals sheltered in social facilities in this area. Conversation activities were carried
out in a Reception Center, with the support of the Street Clinic team, with a doctor and a psychologist as facilitators of the activity.
The experience and naturalization of violence and difficulties in accessing services due to prejudice; and self-medication with
feminizing hormones due to the intense desire for changes in the body were recurrent in the reports. These, also pointed out, great
complexity in the subjectivities of people identified as trans. It is necessary that the topic is also included in a transversal way in all
professional training processes, as non-compliance with respect for the individuality of sexuality has constituted an important barrier to adherence and the establishment of links to health services.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2021 Enver Lamarca Oliveira Santos, Suzana Kalckmann, Carolina de Campos Hovart Borrego, Natália da Costa Sellinger, Renata Rodriguez Imparato, Tereza Etsuko da Costa Rosa


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