Casa Gensex
pdf (Português (Brasil))


Transgender persons
Sex reassignment procedures
Healthcare models

How to Cite

CArvalho, A. O., & Vieira, L. L. (2022). Casa Gensex: CASA GENSEX: for the deconstruction of the heterocisnormative care model that produces LGBTQIA+phobia. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 23(1), 28–32.


Itis well known that a large part of the transgender population is still under the aegis of marginalization and social exclusion, encountering several difficulties in the exercise of their citizenship. CASA GENSEX, formed by professionals from the Family Health Support Center of the Municipal Health Department of São Miguel Arcanjo, state of São Paulo, was created upon demand from civil
society and the local Public Prosecutor's Office. The proposal for expanded health care happens with an emphasis on the transgender public, considering that, in the range of diversity, violence and lack of assistance are more profound in this population. The objective of this work is to structure municipal public polícies and promote health care to the LGBTI + population, considering the high political-social-sanitary vulnerability that this public contemplates. Assistance to the transgender public began in June 2020. Until January 29, 2021, 17 transgender people sought assistance. Of these, 16 people use hormone therapy, under the supervision of
CASA GENSEX professionals. Finally, deconstructing the perverse diagnosis of transsexualism, replacing it with living with transsexuality, through the encounter between health professional and user, through live work in action, is to structure healthy interventions, concrete bonds and longitudinal care for the LGBTI + population that currently accesses the municipal SUS.
pdf (Português (Brasil))


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 Amália Oliveira CArvalho, Luciana Luiz Vieira


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