Transdisciplinarity and social participation in the construction of a singularized care line
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Health care

How to Cite

Gois, I., Trindade, I., Dias da Silva, M. R., Quinalha, R. H., Azevedo, R., Tenore Rocha, N., & Leite Vieira, D. (2022). Transdisciplinarity and social participation in the construction of a singularized care line: the TransUnifesp Center follows the slogan “Nothing about us, without us”. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 23(1), 107–112.


The transdisciplinary work, the participation of social movements, and the recognition of popular knowledge from trans persons, especially when systematized by university extension activities, are powerful axes in the construction of lines of care based on the integrality in health. This experience report will expose how the planning, structuring, and conduction of a center designed with and
for trans people and travestis, working together on different fronts with social and academic-professional movements, need support
and constant dialogue with the Trans community, from planning to the assessment of results. This educational dialogue - always in
constant construction - is constituted by the need to share knowledge experienced by Trans people and by the multi-professional
team in view of the alignment and design of health promotion actions based on the psychodepathologization of trans identities and
on the autonomy of the subject.
pdf (Português (Brasil))


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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Isis Gois, Igor Trindade, Magnus R. Dias da Silva, Renan Honório Quinalha, Renata Azevedo, Natália Tenore Rocha, Denise Leite Vieira


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