Gender and Sexualities Outpatient Clinic (AmbGen/ HC/UNICAMP)
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Gender dysphoria
Mental health
Child care
Adolescent health
Health services for transgender persons

How to Cite

Gobbo, R., de Souza El Beck, M., Baruque Bignotto, K., Nigro Lopes, D., Ajudarte Lopes, N., Schlúter, K., de O. Santos Neto, O., Elias Alvim, A. H., Flávia Cavaletti, F., Belanga, E., Baruque Bignotto, K., Manfrinatti de Seixas Queiroz, M., Gatti, P., Martins Umeda Souza, M., Evora Constantino , L., dos Santos Junior, A., & Dalgalarrondo, P. (2022). Gender and Sexualities Outpatient Clinic (AmbGen/ HC/UNICAMP): report of the service experience. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 23(1), 113–123.


The Gender and Sexualities Outpatient Clinic (AmbGen) at the Hospital das Clinicas of the State University of Campinas is one of the
few public devices that welcomes children and adolescents with gender variability. Psychiatry and psychology investigate mental disorders, triggers of psychological distress, dysphorias related to gender incongruity and, in the case of children and adolescents,
welcome families seeking understanding of family dynamics, clarification of doubts and stigmas. Hormonal intervention in adolescence is possible in two moments: at the beginning of puberty, through drug therapy aimed at pubertal block, and the second with cross-hormonization. Body adequacy to the trans person’s gender identity, through hormoneization, is desired by most adults. Art therapy performs services where it seeks to provide adequate standards to relevant issues, using expressive modalities and experiences of creative processes in a differentiated therapeutic way that provides a welcoming environment through an artistic bias. Gender and voice characteristics are very comprehensive, so speech therapy for trans people is not restricted to vocal production, but also relates to other aspects of communication and speech.
pdf (Português (Brasil))


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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Rafael Gobbo, Mayra de Souza El Beck, Kamila Baruque Bignotto, Daniel Nigro Lopes, Nathália Ajudarte Lopes, Karine Schlúter, Octavio de O. Santos Neto, Ana Helena Elias Alvim, Flávia Flávia Cavaletti, Eduardo Belanga, Katerine Baruque Bignotto, Mariana Manfrinatti de Seixas Queiroz, Patricia Gatti, Milena Martins Umeda Souza, Ligia Evora Constantino , Amilton dos Santos Junior, Paulo Dalgalarrondo


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