Causes and effects of social stigmas on poor health care for vulnerable populations
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Transgender persons
Sex reassignment procedures
Healthcare models

How to Cite

Brito, C. (2023). Causes and effects of social stigmas on poor health care for vulnerable populations: shall we talk about it?. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 24(1), 20–30.


Stigmas associated with the unhoused and persons deprived of liberty (PDL) are the result of a historical social construction and
imply physical and psychological suffering, family and social ruptures, thats affect the social reintegration and the right to citizenship. The purpose of this essay is to reflect on stigmas and discrimination impregnated in the daily life of unhoused and PDL,
their structural causes and consequences in health care. Our argument is that they constitute important barriers in the care for
those whom most need it, as well as self-care. On the other hand, health professionals have a strategic struggle role. To follow this
path, theoretical contributions from the human and social sciences and real-life experiences were used, obtained from interviews
with these populations and the health professionals whose take care of them. Our bet is that knowing better what is feared and
reflecting on our actions, which are generally bureaucratic and automated, represent important steps towards resignify and reducing prejudices. Also impacting the life of bionomial professional-patient and the production of meaning and improvement of the care provided.
pdf (Português (Brasil))


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Copyright (c) 2023 Cláudia Brito


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