The aging process related to the social context needs greater study investments. Homeless people present conditions of premature
aging if intrinsic resources are considered, such as genetics, chronological age, health-disease process and extrinsic resources
that involve the social environment, such as access to services. The increase in the number of elderly people in public places increases concerns about the need for public policies. Considering and intervening in the set of vulnerabilities made up of poverty,
aging and homelessness is necessary to transform the realities of excluded old age in the Brazilian context. The objective of this essay was to discuss, through reflective analysis, the scenario of the homeless elderly population, encompassing sociodemographic,
health and care conditions through socio-assistance equipment. This is a reflection anchored in scientific research on the reality
of growing old on the streets. The literature records a predominance of men, with low education, low average age, who suffer
from unemployment and chronic financial problems. They present a considerable number of illnesses, health complaints and difficulty following treatments. They report difficulties in accessing the health and assistance network. The general panorama demonstrates the worsening of basic living conditions marked by the hostile environment of the streets.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Tatiane Vieira Martins de Oliveira, Marisa Silvana Zazzetta