AMTIGOS - Ambulatório Transdisciplinar de Identidade de Gênero e Orientação Sexual, do IPq-HCFM/USP
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Saadeh, A., de Oliveira Caetano, . L., Gonzalez, L., Bork, B., Monteiro Cordeiro, D. ., do Espírito Santo, C. L., Pinto Benedito, L. A., de Cillo Arantes, M. ., Barossi, Z. ., Mori Gagliott, D. A., Ciasca, S. V., Schlüter, K., & Saavedra, M. C. (2018). AMTIGOS - Ambulatório Transdisciplinar de Identidade de Gênero e Orientação Sexual, do IPq-HCFM/USP: proposta de trabalho com crianças, adolescentes e adultos. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 19(2), 86–97.


This article brings the experience accumulated by the Transdisciplinary Ambulatory of Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation from the Psychiatric Institute of the University of São Paulo’s Clinics Hospital (AMTIGOS-IPq-HCFM/USP), which care is currently focused at transexual children and teenagers, with a multidisciplinary team that includes family care, psychological and psychiatric care, integrate medical care including clinic accompaniment and hormone therapy, besides orientating and realizing transexualization procedures and giving care while in the surgery wait list. The article presents how this medical care has contributed to the welfare and citizenship of these people and has helped their families to integrate them with their special necessities.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2018 Alexandre Saadeh, Liliane de Oliveira Caetano, Luciane Gonzalez, Beatriz Bork, Desirèe Monteiro Cordeiro, Cassiana Léa do Espírito Santo, Leandro Augusto Pinto Benedito, Matheus de Cillo Arantes, Zoe Barossi, Daniel Augusto Mori Gagliott, Saulo Vito Ciasca, Karine Schlüter, Maíra Caricari Saavedra


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