Review of the concepts of the prophylaxis of smallpox at colonial Brazil
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Silva, C. S. P. da. (2015). Review of the concepts of the prophylaxis of smallpox at colonial Brazil . Cadernos De História Da Ciência, 11(1), 12–25.


In preparing this work, I searched for the better way to focus on the concepts that rigorously conditioned smallpox prophylaxis in Brazil’s colonial period. More specifically, the idea of defining the practices developed between the sixteenth and the nineteenth century referred to the possibility of reducing the incidence and prevent diseases. This work goes back partially to the notions of contagion and its possible prevention for further analysis of the eradication of smallpox. Without exhausting the subject, the research can be extended on the practice of inoculation method by Brazilians doctors, and in the theory of the introduction of the smallpox vaccine.
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