This article discusses the relationship between scientists and public health management in the State of São Paulo, from a case study – the context
of a contract between the Instituto Butantan and the Casa Armbrust e Cia, a construction company that specializes in the sale and trade of various products. The contract was signed in the management of Vital Brazil as director of the Instituto Butantan and Arthur Neiva as director of the Department of health of the State of São Paulo in the year 1917.During this period, Vital Brazil leaves the direction of the Institute by do not agree with the policies adopted by Neiva, these and other events are analyzed in this article, seeking to demonstrate postures and conflicting understandings of the two scientists who occupy different places in that moment, bringing significant elements for the understanding of the relationship between public policy and scientific production.The unfolding of the contract allow the reflection about the games of interests involved between the scientists and the management in public health.
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