Butantan’s Cine: a laboratory of images and sounds
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Science diffusion
Cine Butantan

How to Cite

Mendes, A. (2014). Butantan’s Cine: a laboratory of images and sounds. Cadernos De História Da Ciência, 10(2), 195–203. https://doi.org/10.47692/cadhistcienc.2014.v10.33924


The article presents the Cine Butantan project, a laboratory about sound and image. The main objectives are: 1) to promote the creative exercise of Art and Science at the Butantan Institute; 2 ) recover his audiovisual memory, analyzing the considerable filmography about the institution ( documentaries, fictions , scientific and institutional films ) . And last but not least, 3 ) project envisages increasing the production of sounds and images to present of the institution.

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