Butantan Institute and the Golden lancehead: one hundred years of history, myths and science
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Queimada Grande island
Butantan Institute
Bothrops insularis
Golden lancehead
Science History

How to Cite

Kasperoviczus, K. N., & Almeida-Santos, S. M. de. (2012). Butantan Institute and the Golden lancehead: one hundred years of history, myths and science. Cadernos De História Da Ciência, 8(2), 255–269. https://doi.org/10.47692/cadhistcienc.2012.v8.34346


Ten years after the beginning of the activities of Butantan Institute, it was discovered the golden lancehead from the Queimada Grande Island. In 1911, several specimens of this species up until then unknown from science were received. Since then, researchers have back to the island, staying there for many days studding and collecting various specimens that were registered in the collection of the Herpetologic of Butantan Institute. The main objective of the first studies on the golden lancehead was to describe the new specie and to provide data on its natural history. However, recent studies have shown a population decline and the focus has changed to studies on the conservation of the species. Thus, aiming management and conservation recent studies has been concentrated in the areas of ecology, reproduction, behavior and evolution.

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