Birth and Development of Science, Technology and Innovation Systems in Latin America: a Historical Overview
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National systems of science and technology
Science and technology Policy
history of institutionalization of science

How to Cite

Baiardi, A. (2011). Birth and Development of Science, Technology and Innovation Systems in Latin America: a Historical Overview. Cadernos De História Da Ciência, 7(1), 35–54.


The national systems of science and technology not born spontaneously in Latin America countries. They were induced by external forces and by internal forces. External forces would be suggestions and conditions established by United Nations agencies and also the results of international cooperation agreements, including in the security field between blocks of Nations. As internal forces are related the mobilization of scientific communities, the commitments of rulers and political leaders and also some demands from the business classes. In Latin America, the national science and technology systems
are not fully deployed and does not show among them a sync of birth and construction. Similarly were different the vicissitudes and deployment arrangements, which causes so unequal performance in the group of Latin American Nations.
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