The film with scientific subject: possibilities of a historical documentation
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Silva, M. R. B. da. (2007). The film with scientific subject: possibilities of a historical documentation . Cadernos De História Da Ciência, 3(2), 13–36.


The objective of this article is to argue the possibilities of work with the thematic cinema of scientific, specifically that one related with the area of the health. The cinema as historical documentation makes possible that the activities of sciences can be argued in some directions, mainly in what says respect to the particularitities of its actions of representation of the natural world. As producing of knowledge sciences have the question of the reprodutibilidade of its data, for accomplishment of its  communication withthe pairs and the public of general form, a subject of great importance. The cinema can contribute very for the agreement of these processes, as well as the thematic film of scientific can assist in the understanding of this field of particular production in Brazil.
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