Health and education childhood in the journal
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history of childhood

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Moura, M. (2010). Health and education childhood in the journal. Cadernos De História Da Ciência, 6(2), 27–43.


This paper presents a documentary research conducted in the Revista Infância (‘Childhood Magazine’), material published by Cruzada Pró-Infância (Crusade for Childhood) in the years 1935-1937. This entity was aimed at protecting children through the promotion of health care and education for poor children in São Paulo and even today serves in this area. The scenery of the city of São Paulo favored the creation of several organizations with the same goals, influenced by the impacts of social and political changes since the 1920s. This period marked by several educational, social and political events during which they began to spread the care system and protection of childhood and was installed in São Paulo Association of Sanitary Educators who sought to unite health and education, thereby achieving the crux of the problem, ignorance. The union of Crusade for Childhood and the Educators Association of Sanitary have occurred by the same people in framework of the founders and, this way both organizations could share their goals. The Crusade for Childhood, publicized health through its magazine, and the teachers worked directly in schools. The analysis of educational articles and healthcare in the Journal Childhood revealed that the Crusade for Childhood used the most modern techniques of education, psychology and public health to combat infant mortality and collaborate with the education of children. That is why we pointed as a result of the research, the Crusade for Childhood collaborated in diffusion of a new way of thinking and relating with the child, spreading the ideology of childhood and children’s health this ideal, then, in the upper classes for the underprivileged.
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