Eponyms of poisonous snakes brazilian: an iconographic approach
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Eponyms-Brazilian Snake

How to Cite

Duarte, M. R., & Cardoso, J. L. da C. (2012). Eponyms of poisonous snakes brazilian: an iconographic approach. Cadernos De História Da Ciência, 8(1), 125–138. https://doi.org/10.47692/cadhistcienc.2012.v8.35825


Approximately 381 species of snakes have been recorded in Brazil until January 2013 according with The Brazilian Society of Herpetology. Between 1824 and 2013, fourteen out of sixty of the described venomous species has people honored in these names. Here, we show an iconographical approach of these eponyms. Brazilians and foreigners have been equally honored in seven species each in the families Elapidae and Viperidae. We believe this endless effort is culturally important, because it highlights and inspires commitment to our herpetological heritage.
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