O meio-ambiente e suas controvérsias
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Magalhães, G. (2023). O meio-ambiente e suas controvérsias: um olhar da história da ciência . Cadernos De História Da Ciência, 16. https://doi.org/10.47692/cadhistcienc.2022.v16.38068


Issues surrounding the environment have become a focus of attention in political, scientific, cultural, and media circles. History of Science can illuminate some of the entangled meanders underlying the development of current concerns about the environment. This paper will provide a panoramic summary of the origins and controversies surrounding the subject, pointing to the complexity of the issue and the need to undertake more in-depth scientific discussions, which, while not dispassionate and neutral, need to take off if they are not to remain on the low ground of mere opinions.

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Copyright (c) 2022 Gildo Magalhães


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