The Portal of Scientific Journals of the São Paulo State Department of Health aims to gather, organize and unify the electronic publication of the collections of institutional journals in the same virtual environment, using the OJS (Open Journal System) system. Aiming at increasing the visibility of institutional journals, guaranteeing access to the full text and optimizing management and electronic publication services, its main purpose is to provide technical and scientific knowledge produced within the scope of SES-SP. The main institutional journals are part of this Portal initially: Bepa - Boletim Epidemiológico Paulista, Boletim do Instituto de Saúde, Cadernos de História da Ciência, Hansenologia Internationallis and Revista do Instituto Adolfo Lutz.


  • BEPA. Boletim Epidemiológico Paulista

    BEPA. Boletim Epidemiológico Paulista, created in 2004, is a publication of the Disease Control Coordination (CCD), an organ of the São Paulo State Department of Health (SES-SP). On a monthly basis, he is mainly interested in technical and scientific productions in the areas of planning and implementing health promotion actions, prevention and control of any risks, injuries and diseases, within the scope of the Unified Health System (SUS). The publication aims to establish a communication channel between the various technical areas and instances of SUS, disseminating information, promoting updating and improvement of professionals and institutions, in addition to encouraging the production of technical-scientific works by public and private health networks.


  • Boletim do Instituto de Saúde - BIS

    BIS. The Institute of Health Bulletin's mission is to promote debate in the area of ​​health based on
    qualified information, contributing to decision-making in the formulation of public policies, based
    on a broad discussion of concepts and trends in the field of Public Health, with aimed at improving
    the Unified Health System (SUS).
  • Boletim do Instituto Adolfo Lutz - BIAL

    O Boletim do Instituto Adolfo Lutz (BIAL), cujo objetivo é divulgar informações de interesse em Saúde Pública, originárias de atividades desenvolvidas no próprio Instituto, com ênfase à apresentação gráfica e tabular de dados originários a partir dos registros nos diversos laboratórios existentes, de pesquisa e de prestação de serviços à comunidade, foi regulamentado através da Portaria nº 16, de 18 de outubro de 1988. Desde então, esse veículo de divulgação técnico-científica tem sido aperfeiçoado com o propósito de alcançar maior visibilidade. Assim, destaca-se a atribuição em 2008 do ISSN impresso (1984-235X) e on-line (1984-2368).


  • Instituto Adolfo Lutz Journal - RIAL

    Instituto Adolfo Lutz Journal (RIAL) is a peer-reviewed annual journal of continuous flow, on line, with open access publication. It has been published by the Instituto Adolfo Lutz since 1941 in Portuguese. Articles in English and Spanish are also accepted for publication. RIAL aims to disseminate results of scientific investigations related to health promotion actions, prevention and control of diseases and diseases of interest in public health in the areas of epidemiological and health surveillance.

  • Cadernos de História da Ciência

    Cadernos de História da Ciência (CHC) is an open access journal published in continuous flow. Published since 2005 by the Instituto Butantan, member of the Secretaria da Saúde do Governo do Estado de São Paulo, it has as scope the publication of topics related to the areas of knowledge of the history of science and public health. CHC publishes original and current articles, such as academics, essays, reviews, testimonials, dissemination of collections and documents.
    The journal is currently classified as B4 level in the Qualis-Capes System.

  • Hansenologia Internationalis: leprosy and other infectious diseases

    The Hansenologia Internationalis:  leprosy and other infectious diseases is an official vehicle for scientific, multidisciplinary, and open access dissemination of Lauro de Souza Lima Institute, belonging to the Coordination of Health Services of São Paulo State Health Secretary. The purpose of the journal is to disseminate scientific publications in the field of leprosy and other infectious diseases with dermatological manifestations, including epidemiology and control, clinical medicine and therapy, disability prevention and rehabilitation, history, human rights, social sciences and health education, molecular biology and genetics, immunology and microbiology, management, technological innovation in health, dermatopathology and neurodiagnosis of leprosy.