The Art of Regulation in the Local Health Department of Embu das Artes (Learned lessons)
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Management and Planning

How to Cite

Heimann, L. S., Ibanhes, L. C., Castro, I. E. do N., Cortizo, C. T., Martino, F. S., Guaitoli, I. S., & Carotta, F. (2012). The Art of Regulation in the Local Health Department of Embu das Artes (Learned lessons). Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 13(3), 245–241. Retrieved from


This article aims to analyze the process of implantation of a regulatory mark at the city of Embu das Artes, in 2010, between the IS and the Municipal Health Department, which, since 2009, develop projects to answer to the improvement necessities in assistance and management
of the Brazilian Public Health System (SUS), with a view to produce and incorporate knowledge. To the year of 2010, the local managers identified as a management problem the regulation and the need of information to the decision make process, or rather, the need to identify and analyze tools, services, actions and regulatory activities, which, taken as an object of investigation, may contribute to the improvement of the planning and the organization of the local health system. In order to apprehend aspects of the regulatory function and the conditions and organization of
the medical appointments schedule, documental analysis has been carried out, besides interviews with regulators agents, unit health managers and a regulatory team of the central level. Structural aspects have been analyzed, such as, physical space, material resources and workforce; workflows, access to services and processes of work. These findings, among which this collective reflection is a result, are presented under the form of difficulties and advantages and learned lessons.

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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2012 Luiza Sterman Heimann, Lauro Cesar Ibanhes, Iracema Ester do Nascimento Castro, Carlos Tato Cortizo, Fausto Souza Martino, ILarissa Soares Guaitoli, Flávia Carotta


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