Development of a System for Supporting the Regulation of Urgency and Emergency in the Campinas Area


Urgency and Emergency
Health Management

How to Cite

Psaltikidis, E. M., Tibaldi, P. C., Bevilacqua, M., Kitaka, E. L., & Usson, R. (2012). Development of a System for Supporting the Regulation of Urgency and Emergency in the Campinas Area. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 13(3), 269–276. Retrieved from


The regulation of urgency and emergency cases requires agility and efficacy. In the State of São Paulo, these cases are regulated by the Regulation Center for Health Care Offer Services [Central de Regulação de Oferta de Serviços de Saúde (CROSS)], located in the capital, where professionals face the challenge of knowing the different realities of the countryside. In the area of Campinas, which is comprised of 42 cities with
103 health services, doubts raised about referencing the cases because of the lack of information related to the petitions. The aim of this article is to describe the construction of the System for Supporting the Regulation of Urgency and Emergency in the Campinas Area, a partnership between the Clinical Hospital of the University of Campinas (Hospital das Clínicas-Unicamp) and the Regional Department of Health DRS-VII
(Departamento Regional de Saúde DRS-VII). This is based on the assumption of following the referencing logic and in the replacement of the manual process fora friendly, fast and free of payment electronic system, compatible with any computer. The system has been successfully implemented at CROSS and at other institutions involved, promoting access to information in a practical and rapid way, allowing a regular and
right distribution of the health care services. With this experience, the CROSS intends to develop a similar system to cover all the areas of the State of São Paulo.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2012 Eliane Molina Psaltikidis, Paulo Cesar Tibaldi, Márcia Bevilacqua, Edson Luiz Kitaka, Rodrigo Usson


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