Masculinities and HIV prevention
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Men and health

How to Cite

Guerriero, I. C. Z. (2012). Masculinities and HIV prevention. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 14(1), 17–23. Retrieved from


This article discusses the conceptions of masculinity and its influence on the vulnerability to the HIV. The participants of this research consider as a male characteristic to be a good financial, sexual and affective provider. Men sexuality is considered intense and claims an immediate satisfaction. According to this paradigm, a man has to have an immediate sexual response and be always ready for a woman who makes herself available. The woman is responsible for the decision regarding the number of children of the couple, as well as about contraception. To be a man is not to be an homosexual – understood as the one who takes the passive role in the sexual act. The use of condom is unthinkable in a stable relationship, and the only reasons that motivate its use are curiosity and the need to avoid pregnancy. No one of the participants said to have worn condoms to prevent themselves from STD/HIV. Those who worn condom in every sexual relation took to themselves the responsibility of avoiding pregnancy because they were afraid of being responsible for the payment of pension. Thus, it is a good option to associate STD/HIV prevention and contraception. The analysed data reassures the need of taking into consideration the male conceptions of masculinity in our society for the development of effective actions aimed to men’s health. 

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