Prevalence of heavy alcohol consumption in men in the State of São Paulo: registers for an approach of the question of alcoholism in the Primary Attention to Health
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Heavy alcohol consumption
Men´s health
Prevention and early detection

How to Cite

Morais, M. de L. S., Rosa, T. E. da C., & Moraes, C. L. de. (2012). Prevalence of heavy alcohol consumption in men in the State of São Paulo: registers for an approach of the question of alcoholism in the Primary Attention to Health. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 14(1), 73–79. Retrieved from


Heavy alcohol consumption – a serious public health problem, not only due to its high incidence, but also because of the psychosocial consequences and damages
to the physical and mental health of the user – mainly affects the male population. This study aims to verify the prevalence of morbidity and mortality caused by
the alcohol abuse in the State of São Paulo, focusing on the male population, and to make some registers for an approach of the question of alcoholism in the
Primary Attention to Health. Data were consolidated from the Brazilian public health system (SIH/SUS) about the prevalence of hospitalizations for health problems
associated with heavy alcohol consumption, in 2011,  and from the Mortality Information System (Sistema de Informação de Mortalidade - SIM), in 2010, about mortality for the same reason. The results showed the prevalence of male hospitalizations caused by health problems directly or indirectly associated with heavy
ingestion of alcohol in all the regions of the State of São Paulo (in the total, 89.72% of men, versus 10.28% of women). A higher prevalence of male hospitalizations was detected among men aged 30 to 59. Data of mortality confirmed higher prevalence in men of diseases related to heavy alcohol consumption. In spite of the data indicate the need of prevention of the abusive alcohol consumption, rarely the health basic services early detect heavy drinking habit. It is suggested that the prevention strategies and alcoholism treatment should begin from the increase of the knowledge about the complexity of the question, including the probable sociocultural references and the psychic dimension of the individuals involved.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2012 Maria de Lima Salum Morais, Tereza Etsuko da Costa Rosa, Celso Luís de Moraes


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