The health sector and the configuration of the social network women in domestic violence situations
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Home Violence
Public Health
Social Networks

How to Cite

Dutra, M. de L., & Médica, W. V. V. (2013). The health sector and the configuration of the social network women in domestic violence situations . Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 14(3), 266–273. Retrieved from


This article shows the results obtained from an extensive research entitled “The configuration of social networks for violence against women”, which was done in a municipality from the metropolitan region of Sao Paulo – Brazil. Its aim is to analyze the role performed by the health section regarding to women attendance network for those who are victims of home violence. The concept of network is assumed as reference in order to go further the structural and functional analyzes toward the related dynamics that are established in it, according to the theoretical principle of social networks elaborated by Paulo Henrique Martins and the conception of home violence in accordance to Maria da Penha Law. Women, victims of violence, tend to find hard to maintain social relations as they start facing
isolation and fragility, which turns to be more difficult support and consequently, a way out. Health section presents fragmentation regarded to the flow of exchanges that there should be besides with other services, which it is far from women reality and in most cases are limited to treat their bruises which are left on their bodies.

PDF (Português (Brasil))


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Copyright (c) 2013 Maria de Lourdes Dutra, Wilza Vieira Villela Médica


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