Management of Violence and Accidents Surveillance and Health Promotion in Paraná as a response to fighting domestic and sexual violence
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Management of Health Surveillance
Surveillance of Violence
Health Promotion

How to Cite

Mafiolett, T. M., Peres, E. L., & Tisserant, A. E. (2013). Management of Violence and Accidents Surveillance and Health Promotion in Paraná as a response to fighting domestic and sexual violence. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 14(3), 303–311. Retrieved from


Violence is a socio-historical phenomenon that has strong impact on morbidity and mortality, characterized as the third leading cause of death (accidents and
violence), and is becoming a major public health problems; his approach requires intra-and intersectoral actions. It has been happening in every region and
city in a specific way, without which often we have the real dimension of the problem. Epidemiological surveillance is a strategy essential for political control of this true epidemic, still hidden in our society. The reporting of domestic and sexual violence health services is essential to face the issue as well as the implementation of actions for the Promotion of Health, Violence Prevention and stimulating Culture of Peace. This paper presents a short analysis of implementation process and implementation access to the Notification / Investigation of Domestic Violence, Sexual and Other Interpersonal Violence related to the Information System for Notifiable Diseases (Sinan) in Paraná, which began in 2009. 23,715 cases were reported between 2009 and 2012. The notification has steadily increased each year, whose the largest growth was from 2011 to 2012 (133%). The main challenges for the implementation of the surveillance of violence are in need of awareness and training of health professionals and managers in the organization of services for accommodating this demand and need for network action.

PDF (Português (Brasil))


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2013 Terezinha Maria Mafiolett, Emerson Luiz Peres, Alice Eugênia Tisserant


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