Limitations in the assistance to women who suffer sexual violence by the Specialized Police Stations
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Sexual Violence
Violence against Women

How to Cite

Osis, M. J. D., Pádua, K. S. de, & Faúndes, A. (2013). Limitations in the assistance to women who suffer sexual violence by the Specialized Police Stations. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 14(3), 320–328. Retrieved from


In this article, the operational conditions of the Delegacias Especializadas de Atendimento a Mulheres (DEAMs) are described, as their coordination with other institutions, and the perspective of police officers about their duties and the role of DEAMs in caring for women who suffer sexual violence (SV). Telephonic interviews were carried out with 419 police officers across the country. The majority of the respondents said that DEAMs there was no room to assist women in
private (60%), the officers had not been trained to take care of women (80%); and the assistance was linked to the Council for the Protection of Minors (90%), Institute of Forensic Medicine (81%) and health services (69%). Only 49% said that the municipality had a network for the care of women who suffer SV. The main barriers for the care were lack of adequate human resources (69%), equipment and infrastructure (50%) and lack of integration with other institutions. In general, the respondents expressed a traditional investigative culture in their view about the role of the DEAMs in caring for women who suffer SV. DEAMs still have important limitations for the provision of appropriate care to these women in accordance with the public policies currently in effect.

PDF (Português (Brasil))


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2013 Maria José Duarte Osis, Karla Simônia de Pádua, Aníbal Faúndes


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