Right to health and enviromental protection in the judicial-contitutional scope integrated to the fundamental social environmental rights (DESCA, locally)
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Right to health
environmental protection
sustainable development

How to Cite

Sarlet, I. W., & Fensterseifer, T. (2010). Right to health and enviromental protection in the judicial-contitutional scope integrated to the fundamental social environmental rights (DESCA, locally). Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 12(3), 248–253. Retrieved from https://periodicos.saude.sp.gov.br/bis/article/view/33760


Addressing environmental problems and the option for sustainable development requires, necessarily, the correction of the alarming picture of social inequality and the lack of access for expressive part of the population to their basic social rights, such as the right to health. Aligned to this perspective, our goal is to articulate the protection and promotion of the right to health with the right to an ecologically balanced environment, both considered under the constitutional framework of “socio-environmental” fundamental rights.

PDF (Português (Brasil))


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Copyright (c) 2010 Ingo Wolfgang Sarlet, Tiago Fensterseifer


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