O estudo da comunicação na formação dos profissionais de saúde: algumas questões e aproximações
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communicational processes

How to Cite

Donato, A. F., & Gomes, A. L. Z. (2010). O estudo da comunicação na formação dos profissionais de saúde: algumas questões e aproximações . Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 12(1), 37–43. Retrieved from https://periodicos.saude.sp.gov.br/bis/article/view/34025


The capacity of critically translating the great social problems is introduced to the domestic scientifi c society, as occurs in the Collective Health area, where issues and refl ections that are singular to the fi eld, focused in themes such as qualifi cation, communication, participation, mobilization and education in health – object matter of hundreds of dissertations, theses and academic researches as from mid 70’s – remain active in the hearts and minds of technical researchers. In an attempt to get closer to the theme which we are here to refl ect, we remarked the minor presence, in the disciplinary Health and education studies, the knowledge and practices that are typical from the Communication fi eld. In a dialectic perspective, and considering theories that redraw the refl ections of the Communication fi eld, such as Cultural Industry Theory and its critical analysis on the commoditization of culture and the cultural market, especially the School of Frankfurt, we refl ected upon the necessity of a critical practice, primordial for decrypting the reality of the social relations. The studies that report the approximation experiences between the
Communication and Education fi elds, which arise from the unrest in view of the expansion of the media of the twentieth century, offer us approaches, as from which the convergence points, interrelation possibilities and challenges might be remarked, which drives us to a new scientifi c fi eld, the Educommunication.

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Copyright (c) 2010 Ausonia Favorido Donato, Ana Luisa Zaniboni Gomes


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