Aprender e praticar saúde – reflexões sobre o novo sanitarista
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Sanitarian qualifi cation
pedagogical model

How to Cite

Júnior, E. T. (2010). Aprender e praticar saúde – reflexões sobre o novo sanitarista. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 12(1), 44–48. Retrieved from https://periodicos.saude.sp.gov.br/bis/article/view/34026


The nearly unanimous opinion among the health professionals who affi rm having the qualifi cation of “new sanitarians” or professionals as a priority for the complex fi eld of operation within the Brazilian public health, seems to point at a direction different from what we notice in practice, for, in fact, this professional have nearly vanished completely from the market. In the moment the University and other institutions faced to the health qualifi cation, after years of silence, go back to thinking about the sanitarian qualifi cation, it is necessary to investigate certain considerations concerning the theme, which considers another pedagogical approach, a assistance model that is not faced to the disease but to the care with the human being. This model shall comprise a more appropriate understanding of the subjectivity of the suffering beings, the necessity of solidarity and the permanent preoccupation with the central item of the therapeutic goal, favoring the refl ection as to the appropriation of the local territory, its daily actions and understanding of its history, its problems and its relations established thereon among the distinct social groups, among the groups and the community as a whole, and the relations between such whole and the world surrounding it.

PDF (Português (Brasil))


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Copyright (c) 2010 Emílio Telesi Júnior


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