Comunicação e saúde: por uma política ético-estética
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How to Cite

Fernandes, M., & Silva, M. C. da. (2010). Comunicação e saúde: por uma política ético-estética. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 12(1), 88–93. Retrieved from


This article, themed Communication and Health – for an ethical-aesthetical posture, provides trends from two contemporary lines of thought. Both record distinct however similar devices: analyze the result of the development methods and ways out (resistance methods) of the hegemonic model of meaning and value that are typical from the market logic, that feature the contemporaneity, is what at least one of the lines of thought translates; to make compositions with the outcomes of the development method for culture and possible ways out (resistance methods) of the prevailing capitalism model, which we are all infected, either health communicators or not. These communication issues generally surround and affect our actions. Even briefl y, one can notice that “it all” goes back to an ethical-political and esthetical issue. Therefore, it deals about communicating, spreading and identifying the (un) intensifying life-quality resources, the cultural signs, the existence modes upon the adverse facts and regularly activated by the coexisting social-cultural organisms and in the same communication of the globalized world (picture 1). This outstanding issue could be considered the innovating feature of the theme: The immediate effects driven to the role of the health professional and worker that, facing the sensibilities of the production of subjectivities in the contemporary world, observes such multiplicities and is wondered about such confi gurations, of a world of infi nite, virtual speeds, which are not unreal and never cease to produce the real.

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Copyright (c) 2010 Marli Fernandes, Mário César da Silva


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