Development of horizon scanning system for emerging health technology and Brazilian proposal
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Biomedical Technology Assessment
Health Planning
Public Health Policy

How to Cite

Vidal, Ávila T., Nascimento, A. do, Aragão, Érika, Petramale, C. A., & Almeida, R. T. de. (2013). Development of horizon scanning system for emerging health technology and Brazilian proposal. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 14(2), 171–177. Retrieved from


Horizon Scanning (HS) of new and emerging technologies is one of the steps of a health technology assessment system that aims to identify and monitor new and emerging technologies with possible economic repercussions in clinical practice and service organization. The first HS system was established in the beginning of 1980s. In 1999, European Information Network on New and Emerging Health Technologies (EuroScan) was created, a network of international collaboration formed by eighteen agencies. Here, the activities of HS started within the Brazilian Network for Health Technology Assessment (REBRATS) in 2008 by the establishment of the Task Force of HS of Health Technologies. Recent changes in the process of incorporating technology in the Unified Health System (SUS) brought new roles and responsibilities. Among the legal landmarks stand out the Decree No. 7646 of December 21th 2011, which regulates the composition and duties of the National Committee of Incorporation of Technologies in SUS (CONITEC) and the Decree No. 7797 of August 30th 2012, establishing the Department of Management and Health Technology Incorporation (DEGITS). The establishment of the DEGITS legitimated a formal system to coordinate the HS activities in the SUS by the reorganization of activities and responsibilities on the issue.

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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2013 Ávila Teixeira Vidal, Aline do Nascimento, Érika Aragão, Clarice Alegre Petramale, Rosimary Terezinha de Almeida


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