Implementation of kanban clinical management in emergency services: a qualitative systematic review
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Hospital Administration, Emergency Service, Hospital; Qualitative Review.

How to Cite

Cabral Schveitzer, M. ., Gomes de Lorena, A. ., de Almeida Simmerman, B. de A. S., Chioro dos Reis, A. A., de Oliveira Cecilio, L. C., & Andreazza, R. . (2020). Implementation of kanban clinical management in emergency services: a qualitative systematic review. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 20(2), 44–53.


The objective was to evaluate the application and implementation of clinical management by kanban in the emergency hospital ser-vices (EHS). Method: Qualitative systematic review with metassyn-thesis. Data collection was carried out in the following information sources: Web of Science, Scopus, CINAHL, PsycoInfo, Embase, Eric, Pubmed (included Medline), Lilacs, ScienceDirect, Google Scholar. Following descriptors were used: health personnel; com-prehensive health care; patient care team; continuity of patient care; quality improvement; patient centered care; healthcare; gui-de to clinical practice; lean thinking; quality of health care; lean management; hospital emergency service; hospital/hospital logis-tics; emergency medical services. Articles in English, Portuguese and Spanish published between 2008 and 2016 were selected. It was used methodological quality analysis tools of qualitative re-search and data extraction from JBI-SUMARI. The categorization of the findings was performed on the basis of meaning similarity and the categories were aggregated into synthesis. Results: The-re were included 22 articles, aggregated in eight categories and three synthesis. Kanban appears as a lean-related tool in EHS. The implementation of the lean should be further explored in the emergency services, focusing on sustainability, time of care and user satisfaction.
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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2019 Mariana Cabral Schveitzer, Allan Gomes de Lorena, Beatriz de Almeida Simmerman de Almeida Simmerman, Ademar Arthur Chioro dos Reis, Luiz Carlos de Oliveira Cecilio, Rosemarie Andreazza


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