Perceptions about the treatment of men diagnosed with syphilis: a rapid synthesis of qualitative evidence
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Syphilis, congenital syphilis, men, rapid qualitative synthesis

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Galindo Martins Tebet, D. ., Calmont Gusmão Gigante, V. ., da Silva Peres Bezerra, W. ., Hammoud Brandão, J. H. B., Luize Grenze, M. ., Mello Miranda Paniago, A. ., Mendonça de Moraes, S. H. ., do Valle Leone de Oliveira, S. M. ., & Maia Barreto , J. O. . . (2020). Perceptions about the treatment of men diagnosed with syphilis: a rapid synthesis of qualitative evidence. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 20(2), 96–104.


Syphilis affects more than 12 million people worldwide, and men are an important source of transmission for their partnerships when they are inadequately diagnosed and treated. Individual factors related to men may be important as barriers to seeking and adhering to appro-priate treatment. The objective of this study was to describe aspects related to the treatment of men with syphilis diagnosis, in their per-ception, of their partnerships, and health professionals. Was conduc-ted a rapid synthesis of qualitative evidence based on the analysis of qualitative primary studies, and a subsequent description of the results. The search was done in MEDLINE (via PubMed), EMBASE (via Elsevier), LILACS (via VHL), PsycINFO, grey literature in Google Scho-lar, without language or time restriction. Two reviewers performed the selection and the discrepancies were resolved by consensus. The me-thodological quality was evaluated using the CASP instrument. From 2881 studies retrieved, five were included. The selected contents we-re categorized for a better presentation of the results, showing that the aspects that can influence the male population in the treatment of syphilis are associated to schooling, gender perspective, low unders-tanding of the disease, and difficulties in accessing services, inclu-ding those related to the organization of the work process.
pdf (Português (Brasil))


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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2019 Danielle Galindo Martins Tebet, Vanessa Calmont Gusmão Gigante, Wanessa da Silva Peres Bezerra, Jannayna Hammoud Brandão Hammoud Brandão, Micheli Luize Grenze, Anamaria Mello Miranda Paniago, Silvia Helena Mendonça de Moraes, Sandra Maria do Valle Leone de Oliveira, Jorge Otávio Maia Barreto


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