Municipal Health Departament of Atibaia (MHDA), in order to improve Health Care, strengthened Teaching-Service-Community Integration by celebrating COAPES of Bragantina Region and structuring Permanent Education Nucleus (PEN). In 2017, PEN implemented Trainee Reception Program (TRP), with 88 nursing undergraduate students. The actors were previously sensitized, evidencing their importance in the accomplishment of internship. PEN went to University to present the structure and functioning of MHDA, giving students opportunity to solve questions about municipal network. At the beginning of internship, students were received by Unit’s managers, who had already talked with employees about their inclusion in the service and the relationship with teachers. In the end, students’ and teachers’ feedback were fundamental for the service, who proposed changes and indicated positive and negative aspects of each internship eld. TRP strengthened student-teacher-employee-community bond. The students took advantage of practice scenario for learning and a greater relationship with community; teachers developed teaching and research activities; there was improvement in quality service to users, and employees had the opportunity to update and improve professional qualication.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Copyright (c) 2018 Carmen Picoli Torres, Denise Marini, Kelly Janaina Munhoz , Maria Amélia Sakamiti Roda, Micaela Vieira Hadida, Celso Akio Maruta