Novos discursos e modelagens do envelhecimento contemporâneo
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Vida saudável
Modos de envelhecer contemporâneos

How to Cite

Borba Cerqueira, M. . (2017). Novos discursos e modelagens do envelhecimento contemporâneo . Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 18(2), 41–48.


Important changes are currently being witnessed in the healthcare sector, anchored by unprecedented transformations in technosciences. The discourses on longevity, well-being, and quality of life are now closely connected to a grammar related to life, body, and health, extending beyond the demands of population control and giving rise to powerful governance technologies. The body, by arousing multiple concerns both among the subjects that produce identity, resistance and suffering and among researchers who have explored new research configurations, emerges as an object of universal human aspiration, inscribed in all segments of society. The aging body finds its greatest preceptor in health. Health is the institution that most intercedes in the processes of human aging — health today “teaches” us to grow old based on a pedagogization of old age, a practice characterized by mechanisms of prudence and smoothness. This text seeks to show innovations, conflicts and resistances, according to sociocultural topographies that reveal the ways of aging in contemporary times in a dialogue with model social areas such as Healthcare, Education, and Communication.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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Copyright (c) 2017 Monique Borba Cerqueira


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