Analysis of absences due to health problems of statutory civil servants of coordination of health services of the Department of health of São Paulo State
artigo (Português (Brasil))


Workers' health; Public service; Absenteeism for

How to Cite

Kietis, R. A., & Goi Porto Alves, M. C. (2014). Analysis of absences due to health problems of statutory civil servants of coordination of health services of the Department of health of São Paulo State. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 15(supl.), 116–129. Retrieved from


This study aimed to analyze the absences due to health problems of statutory servers of the Coordination of Health Services (CHS), which has the largest number of employees of the Department of Health of São Paulo State. Were obtained information regarding medical licenses granted by the Department of medical inspection and bank-related CSS staff, in 2.011, analyzed according to demographic and professional characteristics of medical licenses, reason, duration time and calculated the general rate of absenteeism for illness. The absenteeism rate due to sickness was 3,38%, an average of 4.1 licenses every 10 employees, being the largest occurrences observed between the intermediate level jobs (26 percent), belonging to the area of health (21.3%) blended in hospitals (19.1%) and outpatient units (18.3%), and were higher in women (22.8%) than in men (11.54%). The reasons were more often license associated with diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue (22.4%) and mental and behavioural disorders (20.2 percent). The work showed that, although the data are already recorded on systems, obtaining the information used in the analysis was not an easy task, requiring intense manipulation of files. In this work, the SES-SP find justifications for investing in the construction and maintenance of databases with information on licences to supply the definition of interventions in work spaces with a view to promoting the health of workers and humanizing relations.

artigo (Português (Brasil))


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