Better early childhood program as an user embracement model in primary health care
artigo (Português (Brasil))


Early childhood; Primary care; User embracement

How to Cite

Chiapin, G. ., & Colossi, R. (2015). Better early childhood program as an user embracement model in primary health care. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 16(1), 59–66.


Better Early Childhood program (PIM) is a public policy of Rio Grande do Sul to promote child development and strengthening of the Primary Health Care. The aim is to guide families from their culture and experiences, in order to promote the integral development of their children, from pregnancy to six years old. The PIM presupposes that child development is a complex process that involves several dimensions and therefore the family, the child’s environment and the community are elements of fundamental importance. In this sense, the promotion of relationship between the child and the family, children/families and community, children/families and municipal services, the PIM team with each other and with other services are essential for creating a reliable environment conducive to a healthy development. Thus, the PIM not only triggers protection practices and effective and resolute care, but also inserts the citizen participation of the families and communities, making them jointly responsible for health promotion. This work aims at presenting this Public Policy as a successful model of the concept implementation of family embracement, as proposed by the National Humanization Policy (PNH), apart from the impact on the articulation of network services, considering that the intersectorial approach is a basic principle of Better Early Childhood.
artigo (Português (Brasil))


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 Giuliana Chiapin, Rochelli Colossi


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