Belimumab for the treatment fo systemic lupus erythematosus
artigo (Português (Brasil))


Systemic lupus erythematosus; Belimumab; Benlysta

How to Cite

Malouf, D. R., Botelho, C. H., Fernandes Figueiró, M., & Setsuko Toma, T. (2015). Belimumab for the treatment fo systemic lupus erythematosus: an assessment of technology. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 16(1), 121–126.


Systemic lupus erythematosus is a chronic inflammatory disease of unknown cause and autoimmune feature. The development of the disease has been linked to genetic predisposition, environmental and hormonal factors, and 90% of patients are women. In 2012, ANVISA granted the registration of belimumab, a monoclonal antibody indicated as an adjunct in adult patients with lupus and lack of response to standard treatment (anti-inflammatory drugs glucocorticoids, antimalarials and immunosuppressants). The objective of this study was to analyze the efficacy and safety of belimumab in the treatment of lupus in adults. Two systematic reviews indicated that belimumab 10 mg/kg in the 52-week treatment regimen was effective in reducing disease activity, and it is necessary to treat nine patients for one patient benefited. There were no significant differences in adverse events between the groups of patients.
artigo (Português (Brasil))


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 Dennys Ricardo Malouf, Carlos Henrique Botelho, Mabel Fernandes Figueiró, Tereza Setsuko Toma


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