Mapping of health services that meet women in situations of both domestic and sexual violence in SUS/SP
artigo (Português (Brasil))


Violence against women; Domestic violence; Health care

How to Cite

Medeiros de Castro, C., Di Giacomo do Lago, T., & Barros Calife Batista, K. (2014). Mapping of health services that meet women in situations of both domestic and sexual violence in SUS/SP: learning to give visibility as well as expand access. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 15(1), 6–13.


It was done a health services mapping that meet women in situations of domestic and sexual violence in the State of São Paulo in order to disclose them to the public. Method: A digital tool for both self - registration of health units and inclusion of information about the population served as well as for the actions taken and team composition. Period: November 2010 to May 2011. Results: 288 health services provided all information. They are at 16 Regional Departments of Health ( DRS ) and 91 municipalities. Only 12 offer abortion provided in Law. Discussion: The regional distribution of services is very uneven, its actions such as prescription of emergency contraception are not performed in all of them, which demonstrates the need for better training of teams. The few services that perform legal abortions indicate that there are still barriers to women who intend to terminate pregnancy resulting from sexual violence. Final Thoughts: The mapping was an important management tool for both monitoring and creating of a network health care of women in situations of violence in the state.
artigo (Português (Brasil))


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 Cláudia Medeiros de Castro, Tania Di Giacomo do Lago, Karina Barros Calife Batista


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