Attendance to heteronormativity dissenters
artigo (Português (Brasil))


LGBT population; Health; Rights

How to Cite

Gonsalves Toledo, L. (2022). Attendance to heteronormativity dissenters: the sense of allocation in the universal treatment, equitable and comprehensive health. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 15(1), 82–88.


This essay thinks of the quality of health care in the population that demonstrates ways of experiencing sexuality and existential ways in the diverse genre from heteronormative assumption, as well as variables of this quality in care. Apart from the lack of information and professional training on this population and its specificities in health care and their invisibility in everyday social life as contributing to the poor quality of care, we have ways of subjective allocation as an element of variation in the same quality. The positive allocation, towards meeting-touch-with the odd experience, creates the possibility of building positive feelings and positions on the multiplicity in various aspects of its rules of sex, gender, desire and practice. This same allocation that enables the recognition of the human in the wierd, expanding margins of human category.
artigo (Português (Brasil))


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Copyright (c) 2022 Lívia Gonsalves Toledo


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