Sex education at school and sexual and reproductive rights
artigo (Português (Brasil))


Sex education
Sexual and reproductive rights
Sex education at school

How to Cite

Machado Pirotta, K. C., Barboza, R., Rivero Pupo, L., Cavasin, S., & Unbehaum, S. (2006). Sex education at school and sexual and reproductive rights. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, (40), 16–18. Retrieved from


The International Conference on Population and Development, held in Cairo in 1994 (UNITED NATIONS, 1994), and the Fourth World Conference on Women, Development and Peace, which took place shortly thereafter, in Beijing, in 1995 (UNITED NATIONS, 1995), represent two fundamental
milestones for the affirmation of sexual rights, reproductive rights and the principles that guide them. From the Conferences, the
international political community recognizes sexual rights and reproductive rights as human rights, and the signatory countries commit to
adopting their definitions, principles and recommendations to promote public policies and adapt legislation within the scope of their
internal legal systems. Advocating a democratic approach to issues linked to sexuality and reproduction characterizes the platform of
these Conferences.
artigo (Português (Brasil))


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PIROTTA, W.R.B.; PIROTTA, K.C.M. Relações de gênero e poder: o adolescente, os direitos reprodutivos e os direitos sexuais no estatuto da criança e do adolescente. In:
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