In the interpersonal relationship of the “patient with the doctor”, or, between the user and the health professional, the client felt welcomed, supported and reassured by the assistance provider: To be welcomed: as a person, people, an equal, but with a physical disability or frailty or psychic, valued from a certain moment or circumstance; people in physical pain,with or without mental suffering; with an insecurity about the future; person with a fear about their survival. Be supported: by one or several professionals with technoscientific and psychosocial training, at the service of the patient, to help him overcome his limitations and sufferings.
VAITSMAN, J; ANDRADE, B.R.G. Satisfação e responsividade: formas de medir a qualidade e a humanização à assistência. Rio de Janeiro, Saúde e Sociedade, v3, 2005. p.36
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