The production of knowledge in collective health
artigo (Português (Brasil))


Collective health
knowledge production

How to Cite

Botazzo, C. (2005). The production of knowledge in collective health. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, (35), 8–12. Retrieved from


Thinking about the production of knowledge in health collective implies some practical-theoretical correlations. Among these, we must remember the design of objects to investigation, the use of conceptual tools and operations, scientific production policies and technology, seen in its historical context, and the formation of the researcher. The latter must mean the development of a dealienated conscience, apprehended both in the
epistemological dimension, that is, the of the theoretical-methodological references as well as in their social relations and political practices, which is equivalent to say in the way the researcher conceives society in which he lives.
artigo (Português (Brasil))


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