The instrumentation of the researcher for the elaboration and obtaining of the TCLE
artigo (Português (Brasil))


Research ethics

How to Cite

Greger Tavares, S. M. (2005). The instrumentation of the researcher for the elaboration and obtaining of the TCLE: a methodological proposal. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, (35), 42–44. Retrieved from


Is it possible to learn/teach Ethics? here's a question challenge that has worried me since the days of graduation. I remember
that when doing the Ethics discipline Professional, in the last year of the Psychology course, I reflected deeply about how much
that mechanistic way learning about the professional code of ethics and your applications would actually be merged into mine socio-professional identity. Years later, when working as a researcher participant, at master's and doctoral level, the same question returned in a more complex form through the unveiling in the field of investigation, from the indisputable articulation
between ethics in professional and search. The encounter between the psychologist and the subject who demand their services,
as well as the interaction between researcher and researched, in any modality of investigation, it is about human relationships and as such are traversed by multiple projections and resistances that can lead to idealizations, prejudices or blocks in the communication
artigo (Português (Brasil))


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