Health promotion as a reference for the formulation and development of healthy public policies
artigo (Português (Brasil))


Health promotion
Public policy

How to Cite

Bógus, C. M. (2004). Health promotion as a reference for the formulation and development of healthy public policies. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, (34), 16–17. Retrieved from


In recent decades, changes have taken place in terms of to the sanitary paradigm due to new forms of understanding of the conception
of the health-disease process and this, consequently, has repercussions in practice. health system to be adopted and implemented (Mendes, 1999; Santos & Westphal, 1999). of an understanding “negative” regarding the health-disease process, focused on in the occurrence of aggravations,
we moved to a vision “positive”, using a broader understanding of what health is. Thus, the paradigm shifted from flexnerian - biologicist
and mechanistic -, to that of social production of health, with an understanding of that health and the health-disease process are determined in multiple ways and mediated by the system Social. A sanitary practice based on in health surveillance in which management
is organized without privilege an area or sector of government, but considering all areas and sectors whose actions can have repercussions
and have an impact on improving the conditions of health.
artigo (Português (Brasil))


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