Sexual abuse at the interface between health and the law
artigo (Português (Brasil))


Sexual abuse

How to Cite

Drezett, J., Junqueira, L., Pires Antonio, I., Silva Campos, F., Cartaxo Patriota Leal, M., & Iannetta, R. (2004). Sexual abuse at the interface between health and the law. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, (33), 21–23. Retrieved from


Violence against women affects all classes social groups, ethnicities, religions and cultures. The Inter-American Convention to Prevent,
Punish and Eradicating Violence Against Women sets out how violence any act based on gender that causes death, physical, sexual or
psychological harm or suffering to the woman, both in the public and private spheres (1). Sexual violence is one of the most bitter expressions of gender violence and brutal rape human rights and sexual and reproductive rights. Added to these concepts is the perspective
of violence sex as a public health problem (2). Indeed, evidence is accumulating that violence represents one of the main causes of
morbidity and mortality among the young population. While homicides occur in public spaces, mainly involving sex male, sexual violence
affects women in the private and domestic space (3).
artigo (Português (Brasil))


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