This article is referenced to the Transdisciplinary Ambulatory of Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation (AMTIGOS). This is a qualitative research under the ethnographic bias that takes as a reference the literature produced on gender, sexuality and family
dynamics, contemplating these arrangements in their historical~cultural specificity. Considering the lack of materials dedicated
to listening to the experience of parents when confronted with gender variability, this article is a preamble that aims to develop
a protocol for care for parents and family members of children in gender conflict situations from reflections on the assistance developed by the researcher at the AMTIGOS premises. In order to do so, the clinical care guidelines of the place were used as scope, which provides for an active subject in the constitution of their personality, participant in their development process, being able to appropriate the multiple determinations that are expressed in their actions, feelings and thoughts. Based on this position, there were ways of coping with the suffering and adversities presented in the context of caring for families and the child/adolescent involved in the research.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Beatriz Bork, Alexandre Saadeh