Immersive Technologies in Health Education
pdf (Português (Brasil))


Health education
immersive education
virtual reality
augmented reality

How to Cite

Tori, R. (2022). Immersive Technologies in Health Education. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 23(2), 43–56.


Besides facing all the challenges related to training of human resources, health education needs to deal with the high costs
and difficulties of providing the practice of procedures that involve human beings. Immersive technologies, such as virtual reality,
augmented reality and immersive videos, are alternatives that need to be considered as they provide realism and security, in
addition to motivating and engaging, while their costs are falling, with quality and ease of use on the rise, including the possibility of
using mobile devices. This article discusses the use of immersive technologies in health education, introducing fundamental
concepts and references to understand and use them. In order to offer a practical view on the subject, two reports of research and
development projects coordinated by the author are presented. The first, VIDA Odonto, is a virtual reality simulator for training
in dental anesthesia application procedures. The second, VIDA Nursing, is focused on the practice of peripheral venipuncture for
blood collection.
pdf (Português (Brasil))


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Copyright (c) 2023 Romero Tori


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