Museum-school partnership in a hybrid investigative activity on food contamination
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museum-school partnership
inquiry science teaching
innovative practices

How to Cite

Dias de Oliveira, A., Iszlaji, C., Gara Cirilo, I., & de Moura Silva, G. (2022). Museum-school partnership in a hybrid investigative activity on food contamination. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 23(2), 105–114.


Museums and schools have strong bonds, so that over time the partnership between these two institutions has become more
recurrent. Due to the social isolation resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, museums and schools made use of information and
communication technologies in their teaching strategies in order to reduce the distance between teacher/educator and student/
audience. In this scenario, the Butantan Institute's Museum of Microbiology and a public school in São Paulo formed a
partnership that resulted in a hybrid inquiry activity to evaluate new possibilities for pedagogical practices. Here, we describe
and analyze this activity, which took place in both synchronous online and face-to-face format. The results show that institutions,
such as museums, can qualify the performance of more complex activities in the classroom. Therefore, it is important to align the
activity with school planning, as schools have different projects throughout the year. To deepen, we highlight the innovative
potential of actions of this nature.
pdf (Português (Brasil))


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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Adriano Dias de Oliveira, Cynthia Iszlaji, Ianna Gara Cirilo, Gabriel de Moura Silva


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