Access in São Bernardo do Campo Primary Care
pdf (Português (Brasil))


Advanced access
Care management
Primary Attention

How to Cite

Navajas de Sá Leite, B., & Martins de Oliveira Viana, M. (2023). Access in São Bernardo do Campo Primary Care: Limits and potentialities. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 24(2), 41–46.


The article addresses the theme Advanced Access (AA), implemented in 2019 in São Bernardo do Campo (SBC), and aims to analyze
the perception of teams regarding this device for organizing demand in Primary Care. Through the application of questionnaires, it
was possible to observe that all team members participated in the practice of AA. The main difficulties pointed out involved the high
turnover of professionals, lag in the HR staff and inadequate physical space. Faced with difficulties, the teams found, on their own
initiative, solutions aimed at improving the practice of AA and began to perceive it as an arrangement for strengthening bonds and
problem-solving ability in user care. Actions involving permanent education, appropriation of the practice by the team and use of
physical spaces outside the UBS enhanced the practice of this device. Given these results, the study concluded that the successful
implementation of the AA depends on the availability of managers to provide good working conditions, and the ability to incorporate some modifications that allow the device to be unique to the local reality. The stiffness in the organization of work tends to make AA's potential unfeasible.
pdf (Português (Brasil))


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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Bárbara Navajas de Sá Leite, Mônica Martins de Oliveira Viana


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