Knowledge and Use of the Food Guide in Promotion of Adequate and Healthy Food
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Food guides
Food and nutritional health promotion
National Health Strategies.

How to Cite

Bueno Rodrigues, H. T., & Tarricone Garcia, M. (2023). Knowledge and Use of the Food Guide in Promotion of Adequate and Healthy Food: a Study with Physicians and Nurses of the Family Health Strategy. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 24(2), 69–77.


This study aimed to measure the knowledge and perception of self-efficacy and collective efficacy in applying the Food Guide
for the Brazilian Population in actions to promote adequate and healthy food (PAAS) among physicians and nurses of the Family
Health Strategy (ESF) teams from Santa Bárbara d'Oeste-SP. It is a descriptive cross-sectional study, and data collection used
two validated scales. GAB1 measured knowledge about the Food Guide, while GAB2 identified the perception of self-efficacy and
collective effectiveness in applying the Guide in PAAS actions. The professionals showed moderate mean values of knowledge
and self-efficacy in using the Food Guide. However, we observed gaps and insecurities regarding the content and uste of this material, with a limited perception of collective effectiveness. These results point to the need to provide training to FHS professionals, emphasizing the content and proper use of the Food Guide, aiming to strengthen the PAAS and improve the effectiveness of actions in Primary Health Care.
pdf (Português (Brasil))


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Hariane Thaine Bueno Rodrigues, Mariana Tarricone Garcia


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